At the Abbey, we are grateful to be situated in the wonderful community of Erdington. Thankfully, members of our community organised a memorial in honour of Holocaust Memorial Day, which was a great learning opportunity for our discerning and compassionate children.
Our KS2 children worked hard to produce Holocaust poetry in line with the theme of One Day, and wrote their prayer intentions onto a flame representing the Holocaust Memorial Day logo. These prayer intentions were collected and each formed one part of a whole piece of artwork.
It was our school council children who had the opportunity to join the memorial service in Erdington, participating through readings and poetry to remember the historic tragedy. Being reflective, we listened to the horrors of the past to ensure we are promoting a peaceful future in unity.
The Abbey, along with being a School of Sanctuary, use Catholic Social Teachings to make the curriculum relevant for our modern day activists. We understand how important it is to stand in solidarity with our neighbours, an act in which our school council children thrived in for Holocaust Memorial Day.
One day, I dream that genocide will come to an end.
One day, I dream that every race, religion and gender are treated equally.
One day, I dream that we are never separated from our loved ones.
One day, I dream that we accept each other for who we are.
– written by a Year 6 pupil from the Abbey

School Council on Erdington High Street