Abbey Catholic Primary School
Abbey Catholic Primary School


Parents are advised strongly to make sure that all of their children’s clothing is clearly marked with their child’s name. School cannot take responsibility for any items of clothing or personal possessions that are mislaid within school.

  • Royal blue pullover/cardigan (available from our uniform stockists). Our uniform policy does not require children to wear ‘Abbey’ branded tops.
  • Royal blue tie (available from school office and our uniform stockists)
  • White shirt
  • Grey trousers/grey knee length skirt
  • Black ‘sensible’ shoes (not trainers or fashion shoes/boots)
  • Black/grey/white socks/grey or black tights
Items of our school uniform


Please note that a tie is part of the school uniform and must be worn by all pupils.

  • Reception children need to wear an elastic tie.
  • Years 1 to 6 can decide whether they wish to wear an elasticated, clip-on or traditional tie.

Optional Summer Term Uniform

  • Grey knee length tailored shorts can be worn
  • Light blue gingham summer dress can be worn


In all cases, black ‘sensible’ shoes should be worn as part of the school uniform – never trainers or girls fashion shoes or boots. This extends to footwear for playtime.

Forest School Kit

Reception need to have suitable waterproof trousers and jackets in school with wellies so that they can enjoy their Forest School sessions.

Forest School sessions will be timetabled throughout the year for other year bands and parents will be notified.

PE/Games for All Children

All children should come to school dressed in PE kit, on the days that PE is scheduled for their class. The PE uniform consists of:

  • Plain/Abbey embroidered Black tracksuit top
  • Plain/Abbey embroidered Black jogging bottoms
  • Plain black shorts (to be worn under jogging bottoms outside of the winter months)
  • Plain/Abbey embroidered Royal Blue Polo shirt
  • Trainers

All items can be worn with or without the Abbey badge embroidered on.

Branded tracksuits WILL NOT be permitted.

Jewellery and Accessories

We follow strict Health and Safety guidelines regarding Jewellery and Accessories for children in school. We do not allow children to wear jewellery or accessories while they are in school as it is not in-keeping with the smart appearance of our school uniform.

The exceptions to this rule are that children may a simple watch.

Children are not allowed to wear earrings of any sort.

Necklaces, bracelets, anklets, bangles, bands and rings are not permitted in school.

Not Acceptable

There are certain things which are not considered appropriate or acceptable:

  • Odd or unusual, severe, decorative or fashionable hairstyles/haircuts are not permitted.
  • Jeans, trainers and boots should never be worn as part of the school uniform.
  • Nail varnish or make up is not allowed.
  • Mobile phones and electronic games/equipment are not allowed in school.
  • Hair below collar length must be securely tied back. This is for both boys and girls.
  • Hair should be tied back with a simple band or bobble. Fashion hair accessories are not suitable for school.

Children who fail to comply with such requirements and standards may be excluded from school. It is, therefore, very important that all parents ensure that children conform to the school’s standards and expectations.


Stockists who supply uniform with our school logo on:

  • Clive Mark Schoolwear Ltd
    11-13 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5UY
    Tel: 0121 728 4452
  • Trutex Schoolwear
    23 High Street (opposite the Co-op), Erdington, Birmingham, B23 6SA
    Tel: 0121 350 8444