At the Abbey Catholic primary school our RE curriculum follows that of Archdiocese of Birmingham ‘Learning and Growing as People of God’.
As people of God, we are called to love thy neighbour; as global citizens we are called to show respect and tolerance to all people.
In the spring term, the children explore and delve deeper into the world religions through Big Questions focusing around the British Values of mutual respect and religious tolerance. Each year group has the opportunity to visit different places of worship, to explore religious traditions and customs and to explore the importance of understanding other faith traditions.
As part of our multifaith learning each year groups visits a different place of worship, during which we promote the British values of religious tolerance and mutual respect. We want our children to grow in a world of peace and respect, we want them to be the force for this change in the world. The only we can bring about this peace and tolerance is through the teaching of other religions so that we all come to a deeper understanding of others. We are not seeking to engage in religious practice different to our own, nor are we seeking to convert. We are seeking to learn about others and to come to respect and accept others.
Some of our Multi-Faith Learning
Reception – Sikhism
Children in Reception explore Sikhism through their Big Question ‘Is it OK for people to have different beliefs?’
The Reception classes explore both the Catholic faith tradition and the Sikh faith tradition through imagery, artefacts and comparison. They have a visitor come in to share their Sikh faith with them and their traditions.
Children are amazed as they explain ‘boys and girls don’t sit together’. They are surprised to learn that you take your shoes off when entering the temple and that at the temple Sikh followers cook and share food and that ‘the special book (Granth Sahib) has its own bedroom’. Children learn that this is an action of respect towards the holy texts. Children can firmly answer their Big Question with a “Yes, because we don’t all like the same things”.
Year 1 – Hinduism
Children in Year 1 learn about the Hindu faith tradition through the Big Question ‘Is religious tolerance good for society?’
The year group visit the Shri Venkateswara Balaji Temple of the UK. Here they learn some of the customs, such as taking off their shoes when entering the temple, “We did this too because it is respectful and important to the Hindu religion.”
Children explore religious stories such as Rama and Sita and learn about the festival Diwali. Year 1 reflect on religious tolerance and the importance of multi-faith week. Children conclude it is important, “So we can respect others, so we learn more and know religions”.
Year 2 – Buddhism
Children in Year 2 learn about the Buddhist traditions through their question ‘Is religious tolerance good for society?’
Children visit the Birmingham Vihara, Dhamma Talaka Peace Pagoda where they are able to come to a deeper understanding of the customs of Buddhist traditions. Children of Year 2 learn that Buddhist followers aim to ‘lead good and peaceful lives.’
Through their learning, pupils eloquently explain that “It’s ok to be me and to follow our own beliefs.” We should learn about other religions “to respect them because we could go anywhere in the world.”
Year 3 – Judaism
Pupils of Year 3 visit Singers Hill Synagogue. Here they are able to respectfully explore the Jewish faith tradition and Jewish rituals and customs. Children learn about the Torah and important religious figures.
Throughout their learning, children reflect upon their Big Question ‘Is there religious tolerance in the Middle East?’
Pupils of Year 3 are able to articulate that “We should show tolerance because we want it shown to us. If we’re not tolerant it leads to fighting and by being tolerant we can live peacefully.”
Year 4 – Islam
Year 4 Children spend time coming to a deeper understanding of the Islamic faith tradition through their Big Question, ‘Can religious tolerance be achieved in society?’
Children visit the Islamic Experience Centre where they are taught about the different customs and traditions within Islam. It is important to understand these traditions, such as what people can eat ‘so that we can support and don’t offend others.’
When reflecting on their learning, children of Year 4 noticed many similarities between the Catholic faith and tradition and the Islamic faith tradition as well as their differences. Year 4 are able to articulate the importance of their learning as British citizens “we can learn to respect others and their religions, to show respect to them.”
Year 5 – Orthodox
In Year 5 children learn about the Christian Orthodox religion and visit the local Orthodox Church, Holy Metropolis of Mercia and the British Isles. Children spend time learning about this Christian tradition as they explore their shared beliefs and values and, how we are different to the Catholic faith.
Childrens’ learning is centred around the question, ‘How can we achieve religious tolerance?’
Pupil’s reflect upon their learning and British Values, concluding “It’s important to learn about other religions so that we don’t disrespect others. We wouldn’t be showing religious tolerance if we didn’t have respect.”
Year 6 – Catholicism
In Year 6, children have the opportunity to delve deeper into the Catholic faith, by studying the Vatican, as centre of the church. They learn more about the beginnings of the Church and the leadership roles as they explore the Vatican, Popes, Saints and places of Pilgrimage.
Throughout this learning, children reflect upon their Big Question, ‘Is religious tolerance good for society?’
Pupils explain that “We learn about tolerance so that we can learn about different faiths and respect them… It builds on what we already know where we have learned about other religions.” Tolerance is important because it helps to treat everyone with equality. “Tolerance is good for society so that we can all be respected for our own faiths and don’t offend others”.