We aim to provide you with information regarding Mathematics at the Abbey Catholic Primary School.
On this page you will find information regarding Mathematics Schemes of Learning, Times Tables and Number Fact and our Maths policies.
Times Tables
Within the primary school curriculum, knowing multiplication facts, at speed, are fundamental in supporting children to develop their knowledge, understanding and problem solving within Mathematics.
From June 2020, Times Tables Check will become compulsory for Year 4 pupils. It is expected that children need to be able to recall times tables facts, including the inverse, in 6 seconds (eg, 6×4=24 / 24÷6=4).
Here is what the National Curriculum says your child should be able to do by the end of:
- Year 1 – To solve one-step problems involving multiplication by calculating the answer using objects.
- Year 2 – To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.
- Year 3 – To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.
- Year 4 – To be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.
- Year 5 – To multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.
- Year 6 – To multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.
Here are our suggested steps:
- Step 1: Allocate a 15-minute window when you can get the pupils on to the website. Doing the baseline soon after a launch assembly is usually a good idea.
- Step 2: Reassure them a bit and give them clear instructions (“play the Gig game in front of you, giving each question your best effort. It’s not a race so take your time.”) and set them off.
- Step 3: When they’ve completed a Gig game it’s up to you what you want them to do. If time allows, playing in the Garage is the best place for them to continue.
For further details, please download the PowerPoint below explaining the use and importance of TT Rockstars.
In addition to this, we are excited to announce that the children now have access to a brand new online programme called Numbots.
This is designed by the same team as Times Table Rockstars but is for younger children who have not learned their times tables yet.
Instead it focusses on number recognition, number bonds as well as addition and subtraction facts.
All children will have access to it via their TTRS username/password combination but this will be a particular focus for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. These logins can be found in your child’s planner.
To play, simply type in in any browser. It works in a similar way to TTRS where they choose a basic robot body and a robot name and when they carry out activities they earn coins which can be used to upgrade their avatar.
For further details, please download the PowerPoint below which talks you through Numbots step by step.