Abbey Catholic Primary School
Abbey Catholic Primary School


The Governing Body’s aim is to work closely with the Principal, the Deputy, and the staff, in order to help the children at the school achieve their full potential, in a happy, caring environment.

The key elements in achieving this aim are listed below:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of all the children at the school.
  • Supporting the staff to teach and care for the children.
  • In discussion with the Principal, ensuring that the resources of the school are best utilised.
  • Forward planning with the Principal and Deputy to ensure that the overall performance of staff, children, and hence the school, continues to improve.

To enable the Governors to achieve these objectives, the Body is made up of key groups within the school, parents, staff, the Local Authority, the Church and the community. Some of the Governors are appointed by the Diocese, whilst others are elected. All serve for a term of four years.

The Body generally meets once a term; a number of sub-committees focus on finance, staffing, buildings, health and safety and the curriculum. Individual members of the Body focus on particular subjects, ie. numeracy, literacy, ICT, etc.

We welcome views from our parents and supporters, and hopefully this summary will give you a brief insight into the role of the Governing Body.

Mrs Dawn Richards
Chair of Governors

School Governing Body Members

NameType of Governor
Mrs Dawn RichardsChair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mrs Leann PearsVice Chalr of Governors, Foundation Governor
Fr Keiran BradyFoundation Governor
Mrs M EynonFoundation Governor, Safeguarding Link
Mr Shibu KurianFoundation Governor
Mrs Tracey SmithFoundation Governor
Mrs Joanne BowenParent Governor
Mr Stuart CheethamParent Governor
Mr Joseph McTernanPrincipal
Mrs Michelle MorganStaff Governor

Also see:

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please send a letter marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors to the school address.