27 September 2021 | Catholic Life |
Year 4 were grateful for the generosity of the PTFA for organising a surprise breakfast to celebrate their First Holy Communions. We gathered as a faith-filled community to reflect on our special day. We thank all of those that made it possible for Year 4 to celebrate...
27 September 2021 | Catholic Life |
In our most recent meeting, Year 6 Chaplaincy Team members had the opportunity to put themselves forward for leadership positions. Following a vote, we are delighted to welcome ‘C’ to the role of chair of chaplaincy. ‘C’ gave a very eloquent...
25 September 2021 | Catholic Life |
After two cancellations during the Summer term, we were delighted to be able to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Supported by our friends in our year group and parish our families joined to share this special event. The responses and singing were so full of...
19 September 2021 | Catholic Life |
On Sunday 19th September our Reception families joined the Abbey Parish to celebrate Mass. This was a wonderful opportunity for Father Elias and the Parish to welcome the newest members to school. After celebrating Mass as a Parish community, Reception families met...
17 September 2021 | General Events |
School looked a little bit different today as hundreds of pirates headed to Abbey Bay for a sup-arrr day of pirate fun! Each class had the chance to take part in pirate activities as well as sharing a pirate tale or two. Year 6 were debating whether a pirate’s...
16 September 2021 | Catholic Life |
Chaplaincy Team were delighted to be able to meet for the first time and spent the after-school session brainstorming their mission objectives for the coming year. Coming together like this really helps us to clarify our ideas and decide on our priorities. We look...
15 September 2021 | Class Events |
Over the past two weeks Reception children have come into school in small groups. Parents were able to come into school and settle their child before heading off into the school hall for a nice cup of tea. All the children settled and friendships are beginning to...
13 September 2021 | Class Events |
Year 5 were very excited to visit Borreaton Park for their two-night residential trip! After a relatively short coach trip through the countryside, Year 5 arrived for The Abbey’s very first adventure to Borreaton park. During the day, they were busy taking part...
9 September 2021 | Class Events |
Year 6 were treated to a half-day puppet workshop thanks to Autin Dance Theatre which allowed us to work together through various activities. Starting with our own body movements, we then moved onto recreating them with puppets made out of simple plastic bags. We...
7 September 2021 | General Events, Sports News |
All KS2 children put on their witches and wizards hats on Tuesday 7th October and took part in a Quidditch session. Children had the opportunity to transport a game from the famous Harry Potter books, into a real-life activity, which saw them having to use teamwork...