Abbey Catholic Primary School
Abbey Catholic Primary School

Reception Intake September 2025

Our Open Day sessions will take place on Thursday 7th November 2024 1:30 - 2:30pm and Tuesday 12th November 2024 9:30 - 10:30am. We encourage all parents of children due to start school in September 2025 to visit us on one of these days and have a tour of our school. Car Parking is available in the car park at the end of the school drive. We ask that you DO NOT park in the top Church car park. Please note that the yellow barrier situated by the Parish Hall is closed each day 3-3:30pm cars will not be able to exit/enter during this time. Thank you.

Everyone at Abbey Catholic Primary School wishes you a very warm welcome to our exciting website.

We are all learning to follow in the footsteps of Jesus with our friends, family and parish. We want to share our good work, up to date news and information about our school with you through our website. It is packed full of information about our school, and we hope you find it both interesting and entertaining.

Keep visiting us to get weekly newsletters and the latest reports on special events happening at our school. And please see our contact us page for all the ways to get in touch.

Do enjoy your visit, and we hope to see you back again soon.

Our Mission Statement

Learning to follow in the footsteps of Jesus with our friends, family and parish.

New Things on our Web…

Our web was last updated on 23 July 2024

Latest additions to our Events Gallery

Abbey Annual Awards

At the end of the school year we are delighted to present some special awards to pupils who have excelled ...

Earth Day

The children spent today thinking about how they can make a difference to our world and care for God's creation ...

Year 5 Bikeability

Year 5 had the opportunity to complete a week of special Bikeability training to prepare them for riding on the ...

School of Sanctuary Visitors

We welcomed visitors from the School of Sanctuary and showed them some of the work we have been doing to ...

We invite you to have a good look round our school, meet some of the children and staff, and hear a welcome message from our Principal, Mr McTernan.

Awards achieved by our school