In our most recent meeting, Year 6 Chaplaincy Team members had the opportunity to put themselves forward for leadership positions.
Following a vote, we are delighted to welcome ‘C’ to the role of chair of chaplaincy. ‘C’ gave a very eloquent speech about why she felt she would make a good leader, as follows:
“I feel that our chaplaincy team is a vital part in the spiritual life of the school to set an example in speech and in conduct of faith. I would make a good leader or deputy of the team because I have lots of new ideas to help others: refugees, homeless, the sick and anyone who needs it. I would love to encourage the growth of the younger pupils in chaplaincy. As Pope Francis said, ‘We are called to build a world that is ever more inclusive, that does not exclude anyone.'”
Please pray for our new team as they begin their mission for the year.

Some of our Chaplaincy Team members